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Headteacher's Speech from the Open Day Event

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Year 7 Admissions

Please see the relevant information in the sub menu regarding Year 7 Admissions

Our entrance test is broadly based on the KS2 curriculum and we do not consider it to be necessary for children to be tutored in order to gain access to the entrance test. We never allow 11+ tutoring companies in our schools.

Mid Term Admissions - Years 8 - 11

If you would like your daughter to be added to the waiting list, you will need to complete an 'In-Year Admission' application form which is available to download from the website of the London Borough of Sutton. Please see the link below.

If you wish to apply for a mid-term place and you are currently living overseas, please see the link below.

Mid Term Admissions will only be considered when the number of students in the relevant year group falls below the Published Admission number. In the event of a place becoming available, all students on the relevant waiting list will be invited in to sit tests in English and Maths appropriate to their age group. Candidates who pass both tests will be considered to be of selective ability. Candidates who fail to meet the pass mark in any of the tests will not be able to resit the test at any point in the future and will only be eligible to join the School in the Sixth Form. Parent/carers have the right of appeal if a place is not offered.

In the event of there being more selective candidates than vacancies, places will be allocated according to the criteria described in the School's admission policy.

Sixth Form Admissions

The majority of our students in Year 11 continue with their studies into our school Sixth Form and priority will be given to existing students transferring from Year 11 provided they meet the entry criteria. We welcome applications from students from other schools at the appropriate time.