Year 12 Higher Education Support
This paWe provide a range of activities and support throughout Year 12 for students considering applying for Higher Education is currently awaiting content
Autumn Term |
♦ UNIVERSITY LECTURE TASTER EVENT A Trust-wide event where students can experience some of the varied university courses on offer and see how university lectures differ from classes they take at school. Students also have the opportunity to network with academics from the various universities who run the lectures. ♦ ONLINE CAREERS ASSESSMENT Designed to help increase self-awareness by providing objective analysis of aptitudes, interests, motivations and preferences, helping to give students focus, direction and motivation in their studies enabling them to select the most relevant Higher Education subjects. Student receive feedback in the form of an online report, which includes their aptitudes, career interests, preferred working environment, employment style and suitability, and also Higher Education course information. Further information can be found in the Morrisby Online Career Education & Guidance leaflet or via the Morrisby website. |
Spring Term |
♦ CAREERS & NETWORKING EVENT Students and parents are invited to attend a careers fair, where students get the opportunity to attend presentations on various careers of their choosing. Sessions are led by ex-students, employers and parents, each giving an outline of the career that they are representing, information on current entry routes and the route they took to achieve their current position and some ideas of the challenges involved in that role and the skills needed to be successful. The aim of the fair is to open students' eyes to the wide range of career and volunteering opportunities available to them in as many different fields as possible and also to show how exciting careers in these areas can be. ♦ HIGHER EDUCATION EVENINGS Information for both students and parents on the university application process, covering what students need to do prior to their application, an overview of the process and a sense of where universities ‘set the bar’. We also offer guidance to students who might be considering applying abroad. ♦ OXBRIDGE INFORMATION EVENING Information for both students and parents on the Oxbridge application process, led by a college admissions officer from either Oxford or Cambridge. ♦ MEDICINE, DENTISTRY AND VETERINARY INFORMATION EVENING For students wanting to apply for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary courses which covers applications, the fifth choice, BMAT and UKCAT. |
Summer Term |
♦ LOOKING AHEAD CONSULTATIONS Students complete a ‘Looking Ahead’ form where they have the opportunity to request a consultation with our independent careers advisor. During the consultation students can discuss their future plans, what their next steps are and come up with an action plan. The advisor will also equip students with the tools to make informed decisions and choices. Students may book or change their appointment by emailing Mrs Ahmad, Careers Leader. ♦ WORK EXPERIENCE Research shows that appropriate experiences of the world of work can enhance the learner’s self-awareness, develop their career exploration, career planning skills and help them make informed decisions about their future education, training or employment pathway. Experience of the world of work can make a major contribution to a learner’s preparation for adult and working life.” With this in mind, all Year 12 students can take part in the school’s one-week Work Experience Programme. Giving students the opportunity to sample a career they are interested in, get a sense of the industry, and speak to employees and employers about the career area. The programme also helps students build on the employability skills that employers are looking for, which can be found in the PwC Guide to Employability Skills. ♦ ONE-TO-ONE SUPPORT During July of Year 12, each student has a one-to-one meeting with a member of staff to discuss the first draft of their personal statement. In addition, the Director of Sixth Form, the Oxbridge Coordinator and the Head of Year have a one-to-one discussion with each student who at this stage is considering putting in an early application – this will be those applying for Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and all Oxbridge courses. They will also see those whose Year 12 exam results indicate that they may require a change of plan and students who are considering applying to study outside the UK. These discussions may continue into the autumn term. Year 12 form tutors will also have a one-to-one meeting with each of their students about their plans and begin the process of writing their university reference. ♦ WORKSHOPS Medical Mini Interviews; run by St George’s University for students who have applied for medicine. Writing a Personal Statement; full day workshop with input from a guest speaker and admissions officers from different universities. The UCAS Process; full day workshop to help prepare students for the UCAS process. We invite university staff in to run a variety of sessions including; Making choices and how to apply using the UCAS system, Applying to Oxbridge; the calibre of successful applicants, admissions tests and the interview, Alternatives to university; including gap year placements, school leaver programmes, mock interviews and Preparing a CV and Writing a first draft personal statement. ♦ UNIVERSITY OPEN DAYS AND VISITS Throughout the summer term, students are encouraged to go to formal University Open Days and make informal visits to university towns and cities. The school organises a visit to Oxford and/or Cambridge for all students considering applying to Oxbridge. ♦ OTHER WAYS WE SUPPORT STUDENTS We encourage students to organise work experience during their summer holidays and consider internships, placements and summer schools. We also suggest students visit the school’s careers/HE library and careers/HE websites on Frog. Both provide access to impartial and independent information about a wide range of careers, education and training options. Potential dentists and medics are encouraged to sit the UKCAT exam. To see what your child's typical CEIAG journey may look like whilst at Nonsuch please see our CEIAG Programme |