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Remote Learning

In rare circumstances, the school may need to partially or fully close, resulting in some or all students being unable to attend on-site learning for part or all of the school day.

In such situations, we will notify students and parents via the school website, providing as much notice as possible.

During a partial or full closure, students will be provided with resources and guidance to follow their regular timetable from home.   Depending on the subject and the nature of the content or skills to be taught, this work may take the following forms:

Independent Study Students will complete a series of activities specified by their teacher, working through the materials on their own.
Live Teams Lessons
Teachers may conduct full lessons online via Microsoft Teams.
Blended Learning Teachers may hold brief online sessions via Microsoft Teams at the start of the lesson to provide instructions, key information, and an opportunity for questions before students proceed with independent tasks.   Alternatively, teachers may set an activity for students to complete before meeting on Teams to discuss the work and provide feedback.


In the event of a prolonged closure, teachers will aim to inform students by 8:30 a.m. each day about the format of their lessons.

The school remains committed to ensuring continuity of education and supporting all students during any period of remote learning.