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Pupil Premium Statement

Nonsuch High School is dedicated to supporting disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they achieve their full potential, regardless of background.   The Pupil Premium Grant helps close the attainment gap by providing additional funding for pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).  This funding ensures access to high-quality teaching, a broad curriculum, and extracurricular opportunities.

Our strategy focusses on addressing individual needs through targeted support and maintaining high standards for all pupils.   Over the past 5 years, our Pupil Premium students have achieved outcomes on par with their peers.

How do I know if I am eligible for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funding?

If you're a parent or carer, please check if you're eligible for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funding via the London Borough of Sutton’s website.  Click here

  1. Thank you cards given to Y11 mentors in receipt of pupil premium for supporting their transition into school.If eligible, please apply directly via the London Borough of Sutton webpage (this includes all families whose daughters attend Nonsuch High School for Girls, regardless of whether you live in the London Borough Of Sutton)
  2. If eligibility is confirmed, your child’s details will be passed to the school to arrange for your child to receive Free School Meals and for the school to receive the Pupil Premium funding.