A-level Congratulations

Many congratulations to all of our Year 13 students
for a fantastic set of A-level results this year.
They have worked so hard through the tumult of the pandemic and have sat examinations with the same conditions as pre-pandemic and with no allowances made for the effects of lock-downs over two successive years.
- 18.8 % of all entries were A* grades
- 53.5 % of all entries were A* or A grades
- 78.7% of entries were A*-B grades
The vast majority of our Year 13 students are taking up places at university this autumn for a wide range of courses.
- 10 students are going to Oxford or Cambridge so far.
- We also currently have 20 students going on to study medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.
- Two students will commence Art Foundation courses, and a further two are taking up Higher Level Apprenticeships.
Later this month we will publish all the destinations as our students go on to study a breadth of courses, including the creative industries, languages, law, mathematical degrees and social sciences among others.
These results are testament to the huge amount of effort and work put in by all students and staff over the past years: we are very proud of you all.