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Key Stage 4 - Intent & Overview

KS4 Curriculum Intent:


Our KS4 curriculum is designed to provide a diverse range of educational opportunities to suit the needs of all of our students.  It is aimed at enabling our students to reach the highest levels of achievement and personal development.

Students are encouraged to choose whichever options they want, and we are proud that we build our curriculum around their choices.  KS4 options allow for greater personalisation of a challenging, broad and rich curriculum.  While the majority achieve the EBacc qualification, not all choose those paths.  Students develop oracy further to become articulate and confident in expressing opinions informed by a knowledge-rich curriculum.  We aim to develop a love of learning and scholarship so that students flourish in KS5.  The curriculum aims to enrich rather than accelerate.

The pastoral system supports students as they prepare for external examinations and make decisions about their future pathways.   A core aim of the PSHE programme is to foster resilience and confidence and to promote the School’s core values.  We aim to equip students with the skills to keep themselves safe in the face of social media and peer pressure.


KS4 Curriculum Overview

We offer a very broad range of subjects at Key Stage 4.

In Year 10, students are put into broad tiers of ability for Maths and Sciences only.

At Key Stage 4 all students take the core subjects alongside their chosen GCSE subjects; a detailed booklet and a comprehensive programme of advice for students and parents are provided before options are finalised.

June 2023

Core GCSE Curriculum:

  • English
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Triple Science
  • French, German or Spanish
  • Half course in RS and Core PE
  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) including Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Optional GCSE Subjects include:

  • Astronomy
  • Computer Science
  • Drama
  • Fine Art
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • History
  • Latin
  • Music
  • PE
  • Photography
  • Product Design
  • Spanish
  • Textiles

We believe strongly that students need to learn the skills of independent study and so most students in Years 10 and 11 have at least one supervised private study period per fortnight.

If you have any queries about our curriculum, please email Miss Wright  (Deputy Headteacher) on