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PSHE Years 7-13


Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils' education (Department for Education, 2020).

At Nonsuch High School for Girls, we aim to empower our young people and enrich their lives to ensure they aspire to take their centre stage place in the world.   We want students to enjoy learning, to become independent and effective learners and to achieve academic success in an atmosphere that fosters positive relationships and mental health, promotes equality and celebrates diversity.

Our PSHE programme is rooted in our school values of POSITIVITY, RESPECT, INTEGRITY, COURAGE, ENDEAVOUR (PRICE) and aims to empower each child with the knowledge and skills required to safely and successfully make informed decisions, enable them to support their own wellbeing and form positive relationships within our diverse community.   This will aid them in navigating their way through life whilst at school and for the years that follow.

We recognise that PSHE can encompass many areas of study and so our programme draws on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on:  drug education, financial education, relationship and sex education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

We continue to develop the PSHE programme to ensure that it is live and responsive and best reflect the needs of our current children.   We have developed a thematic approach to allow us to do this which enables us to combine what we are teaching in our PSHE lesson with content in our assemblies and form time.   The diagram below indicates the Themes that are currently taught.   At the bottom of the page you can find our Long-term Plan of the Y7-11 PSHE curriculum. 


Who Delivers PSHE? 

PSHE is taught via the weekly tutorial lesson (on either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning).   This is usually delivered by tutors, although some sessions are led by the school nurse.   We also invite outside groups to talk to students about certain issues.  


PSHE Curriculum

Please click on the document below to see the long-term curriculum plan for all year groups.